
米国・UC Berkeley出身のバイリンガルのMISA先生とトライリンガルのSheldon先生、海外留学経験豊富な日本人スタッフと一緒に、日本の文化とアメリカ文化の比較、音楽、英語表現など、生きた英語を学びます。野内+屋外をフィールドに、国内留学の英語キャンプを実施します。

Hi Boosters! Hope all is well and that you’ve all been finding new ways to still have fun and grow from this new era! I’m excited for and would love to invite you all to the upcoming English Boost sessions because we are planning to level up and incorporate more valuable lessons to each session. It will definitely be a safe-place for you all to learn, grow, and express your own ideas and opinions in English! My personal goal is for you all to feel comfortable and excited to use English with your fellow Boosters, and hopefully in your daily lives as well. Hope to see you at the upcoming E-Boost sessions!

Summer Camp 2022 詳細

● 場所:BiViつくば4F(つくば市吾妻1-8-10) つくばエクスプレス線「つくば駅」徒歩1分
● 実施日時:8/20(土) 10:00~17:00
● 対象:中・高生(英検3級以上を有する小6生も可)
● 受講費:17,600円(税込)
